Spring 2026
The Star Thrower: A Novel Kathleen Welton (Based on the screenplay "The Star Thrower")
The Star Thrower follows three friends who after graduating from law school begin a celebratory trip to Bali, expecting only adventure and relaxation. After a series of unexpected encounters, they reconsider their meticulously planned futures and find new pathways. A journey for self-discovery soon becomes a race against the clock to protect endangered species, help resolve an environmental incident, and find one's ultimate purpose. The story concludes with the three friends reaffirming their commitment to make a positive difference in the world with forgiveness, compassion, and action.
LOGLINE: After a company dumps chemicals near the ocean, three friends find themselves in a race against time to discover the “how” and "why" of the incident to save the endangered sea turtle nests and help the eggs hatch.
Award-Winning Screenplay
The Star Thrower
Written by Kathleen Welton
American Story Showcase
ScreenCraft Feature Competition
Ecovison Global Film Festival
6th Annual KinoDrome
Nature without Borders International Film Festival