Join us on a literary journey that illuminates the beauty of our natural world
Shell Shocked: An Ocean Mystery Trilogy
Coming Soon: May 2025 Paperbacks, Hardcovers, eBooks, and Audiobooks Author: Kathleen Welton Imprint: Green Lights Books Publisher: aka Associates
The Star Thrower: A Novel Based on the Award-Winning Screenplay
Coming Soon: 2026Paperback, Hardcover, eBook, and AudiobookAuthor: Kathleen WeltonImprint: Green Lights BooksPublisher: aka Associates
Green Lights Books showcases the power of storytelling to inspire environmental awareness and action. We specialize in adventures and mysteries that explore coming-of-age stories as well as the complex relationship between humanity and the natural world.
OUR MISSION:* Promote environmental literacy through imaginative storytelling* Highlight sustainability and a harmonious coexistence with nature* Empower readers to inspire a path to a brighter future